When you have no experience in hosting an internet site, it is recommended you go with Yahoo! Merchant Solutions. For those who have want a company that helps you from A to Z including hosting, marketing and to achieve your business, you can go with Site Build It.
You don't actually have to sign up for 1 year or maybe more. Most hosting companies have a SiteBuilder or templates that you can choose for free. They won't create your site for you, but you be able to select from among the best web templates they have and that can actually save your money and time.
Aside from that, most web hosting companies nowadays support free shopping carts similar to Cubecart, Zencart and OsCommerce. The good thing is you could arrange it on your own using one-click installer like Fantastico. After installation, you can start customizing your ecommerce site by having specific shopping cart modules. This can be dealt with as the cheaper option for you could save a lot of cash compared to hosted ecommerce solution. However, this option requires you to have your own domain name and web hosting plan that supports one-click installer, free shopping carts as well as other ecommerce tools.
If you don't wish to feel the burden in setting up your site using free shopping carts, you can utilize hosted ecommerce solution like BigCommerce. It is a complete ecommerce solution package from domain registration, web hosting service and ecommerce tools and softwares that can be used in developing your ecommerce site.
There are lots of consideration in getting the best web hosting company. In choosing a web hosting service company, review these components:
- does not suspend accounts as easilyhas friendly Live Chat > from the start,
- gives more-than-enough webspace,
- offers unlimited bandwidth,
- gives multiple add-on domains,
- has easy-to-use Site Builder,
- has Fantastico and QuickInstall to quickly install apps like Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, OSCommerce, ZenCart and more
- best reviews from their users.
- scability or you can upgrade to a higher hosting plan
- provides WHM/Cpanel support
Some premium hosting companies are Myhosting, Fatcow, Hostgator, Inmotion Hosting, Justhost and a much more. Just do not forget to look for their reviews to learn what they really got!
Accordingly, begin searching for Fatcow reviews. Followed by Justhost review. Furthermore, look also for InMotion Hosting reviews.
Also, don’t forget to find related Hostgator review or Hostgator reviews to know what they would really offer. You can use of their Hostgator coupon code 2013 to obtain a discount.
So now that you have a better understanding on on how to create your ecommerce website.